Around the hall, there was much demonstrating of how to turn a captive ring on a goblet stem and quite a few members had a go themselves, with varying degrees of success and finesse.
None of the rings were seen flying round the room, although several members confessed that this had happened in their own workshops!
Several members shared their favourite tools for making captive rings and there was quite a range from commercially available to
Why Make Captive Rings?
Finally, in answer to the question “WHY…. Would you make captive rings?” asked by several members, the answers varied:
“Because I can”;
“because it is good practice for tool work”;
“because they look decorative”;
“because they are fun to do”;
“because they keep non-woodturners guessing about how they are done….”
Some remained unconvinced and turned their attention to making garden dibbers—useful rather than (purely) decorative and also employing sound basic skills. These were donated as prizes for our New Hall Pick a Peg stand.
Adapted from Mary Dunne’s article in the April newsletter.