Meeting Summary – March
March’s meeting was a hands-on day and we saw a fantastic turn-out in spite of losing an hour’s sleep as the clocks went forward.
There were only four lathes in use and I gave a short lesson on the setup and use of the cameras so we shouldn’t have a repeat of last month’s demo where we nearly didn’t have any cameras and TVs.
Daventry – May
Phil Stevenson assures me everything is moving forward with plans to attend Woodworks at Daventry in May and I have been volunteered for one half of turning a pair of candlesticks but we don’t know any more details of the competitions yet. Let’s hope we hear before the day!
Bring & Buy – May
We are planning on holding a ‘Bring & Buy’ sale during May’s hands-on day so start hunting out all your unwanted turning tools and kit and bring them along to add to the sale table. There will be no charge for selling items but if you wish to make a donation to the club, I’m sure our Treasurer will gratefully accept your offerings.
Next Meeting – April
And finally next month’s demonstrator is Les Thorne who has demonstrated for us previously and always puts on a great show. I first met Les over twenty years ago so am looking forward to seeing him again at Kingsbury.